Donate Today For A Better Tomorrow


Donate Today For A Better Tomorrow 〰️

I hold a steadfast belief in the inherent goodness of humanity, coupled with an unwavering faith in the forward march of progress. Together, we will make our world an equal, equitable place for everyone to thrive in, no matter their starting position. We are stronger united. Together we will turn the image of Poverty and what it can feel like on the left, and transition towards a brighter future of communal prosperity, nobody should feel left behind, those whom need a lifted spirit and a helping hand should receive such accommodations to place them on the pedestal where the others have reached without assistance. No individual should feel ashamed to ask for help, or left behind.

”I am struggling, and striving to make equity happen the best I can as just one individual trying to start-up a new organization to hopefully reform global trade paradigms in a fashion that brings positive feedback loops to the table and a gratitude reward system.” - Founder, Zelda Skyy

Donate Today For A Brighter Tomorrow


Donate Today For A Brighter Tomorrow 〰️

Donate today to fight inequity.